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Steel Panther, andate… e godetene tutti

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Steel panther

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di Donatella Marcovigi



“Party like tomorrow is the end of the world”…

Mai titolo di canzone fu più emblematico per descrivere uno show della rock band americana Steel Panther!

Siamo stati a vederli live a Milano prima, e al Beacham poi (Orlando -Florida)  ed ogni volta la sensazione finale è stata la medesima, riassumibile in un’unica e semplice esclamazione: wow. Purtroppo Oltreoceano siamo incappati in un locale, il  Beacham, scuro, cupo e fumoso e con un’acustica che lascia molto a desiderare. Ma in fondo poco importa, a noi interessa il rock ‘n’ roll!

Per chi è cresciuto come me con Motley Crue, Ratt e Poison, è impossible non amare questi quattro incredibili musicisti, che con il loro graffio e i testi decisamente comici, sono capaci di ironizzare su tutto ciò che ha contribuito a sconvolgere  la mia vita di teenager ai tempi del glam rock anni 80-90.

Steel Panther at Beacham, Orlando

Quello che adoro soprattutto di questi ragazzi, è l’unicità con cui combinano genio,  tecnica e comicità, tre aspetti che per quanto mi riguarda, li rendono dei veri talenti.

Da ogni loro performance ci si può aspettare di tutto, perché quando salgono sul palco non sai mai quello che la loro creatività li porterà a fare. Di sicuro aspettatevi di vederli salire sul palco con magliette strappate (probabilmente dai denti di groupies sfrontate), borchie, brillantini e pantaloni/seconda pelle attillatissimi sopratutto nelle zone X.

La chimica che lega i componenti della band non passa certo inosservata e manda subito in estasi il pubblico, composto principalmente da ragazze in abiti succinti e ragazzoni con parrucche o capelli cotonati alla Nikki Sixx.

Gli Steel Panther scherzano, esagerano, danno vita a esilaranti botta e risposta tra una canzone e l’altra, sorridono, saltano, coinvolgono il pubblico, indicando, ammiccando, invitando le fans a seguirli nel backstage; e le stesse fans, con chiare e derisorie allusioni sessuali, sono invitate anche a salire sul palco e a collaborare nella creazione di quell’ atmosfera lasciva, grazie a movimenti sinuosi e spesso espliciti. Del resto la caricatura del glam rock non può non essere colma di richiami alla ben nota triade  sex drugs and r ‘n’ r.

Steel Panther at Beacham, OrlandoAttenzione però a non cadere nel tranello che spesso l’ignoranza ci tende, perché gli Steel Panther sono sì belli, scanzonati ed infinitamente ironici, ma sono anche dei bravissimi musicisti, la cui comicità non affievolisce mai la potenza del batterista Darren Leader (“Stix Zadinia”), l’abilità del grintoso e fashion bassista Travis Haley (“Lexxi Foxx”) la forza della voce di Ralph Saenz (“Micahel Starr”), che è’ senza dubbio una delle ugole rock migliori del momento, oltre ad essere un incredibile animale da palcoscenico e intrattenitore instancabile, nonostante sia spesso deriso (ma fa parte della caricatura dello show), con battute sminuenti riguardo sesso ed età, dal grandioso chitarrista Russ Parrish (“Satchel”), dotato non solo di intelligente ironia e carisma, ma anche e soprattutto di altissime qualità tecniche.

La scaletta delle performance degli Steel Panther è al fulmicotone, arricchita da un set acustico con tanto di pianoforte suonato da Stixx Zadina; durante lo show il pubblico può apprezzare i pezzi del loro recente album “All you can eat” e quelli tratti dai loro precedenti lavori, “Balls out” e “Feel the steel”.

Un’esperienza da ripetere, ma se siete permalosi, ottusi e le vostre orecchie non sono particolarmente predisposte ad apprezzare la buona musica, un concerto così non fa per voi…per tutti gli altri….andate e godetene tutti!

Steel Panther at Beacham, Orlando




Setlist Beacham (Orlando)

  • Pussywhipped
  • Party Like Tomorrow Is the End of the World
  • Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)
  • Tomorrow Night
  • The Shocker
  • 17 Girls in a Row
  • Gloryhole
  • If I Was the King
  • Guitar Solo
  • Ten Strikes You’re Out
  • Kanye
  • Why Can’t You Trust Me
  • Stripper Girl
  • Girl From Oklahoma
  • Asian Hooker
  • Eyes of a Panther
  • Death to All but Metal


  • Community Property
  • Party All Day (Fuck All Night)


Setlist Alcatraz, Milano


  • Runnin’ With the Devil (Van Halen song)
  • Pussywhipped
  • Party Like Tomorrow Is the End of the World
  • Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)
  • Tomorrow Night
  • The Shocker
  • Hair Solo
  • 17 Girls in a Row
  • Gloryhole
  • If I Was the King
  • Guitar Solo
  • Ten Strikes You’re Out


  • Kanye
  • Weenie Ride
  • (first verse and chorus)
  • Stripper Girl
  • (until after second chorus)
  • Why Can’t You Trust Me
  • (until after second chorus)
  • Girl From Oklahoma
  • (with The Lounge Kittens)
  • Asian Hooker
  • Eyes of a Panther
  • You Really Got Me
  • (The Kinks cover)
  • Death to All but Metal


  • Community Property
  • Party All Day (Fuck All Night)



[tp lang=”en” only=”y” not_in=”it”]

by Donatella Marcovigi



“Party like tomorrow is the end of the world”… The title of a song has never been more emblematic in describing the premise of a show by the American rock band, Steel Panther.
I previously saw their show at Alcatraz in Milan, Italy and most recently at The Beacham in Downtown Orlando, FL. At each show the sensation for me has been the same.

All I can say to describe the experience in a single expression is WOW! Unfortunately, for their most recent show, the venue was a dark, gloomy and smoky venue, that sadly didn’t have a great acoustic. None of that mattered though because after all, the only thing that really matters is that it’s Rock n Roll!
For people like me, who grew up with the music of Mötley Crüe, Ratt and Poison, it is impossible not to love these four amazing musicians. I love their biting and decidedly comical lyrics that make fun of all the elements of Steel Panther at Beacham, Orlandothe 80-90’s rock and glam rock that resulted in me, a young innocent girl, to change her perception of how she viewed the world and the music.

What I admire more than anything else about these amazing artists, is the skill with which they combine technique, genius and humor. I’m not afraid to say that these three elements make these four guys true and rare talents.

Every time they take the stage, no one knows how far they will take their wit and creativity to please the crowd. On stage they wear ripped t-shirts (probably chewed out by the teeth of some libidinous groupies), studs, glitter, and second skin leather pants (especially tight in the “X” areas).
The chemistry that binds the members of the band does not go unnoticed and it sets the audience on fire. The audience is composed mainly of sexy women with skimpy outfit and guys of all ages and builds wearing Nikki Sixx style wigs. While performing, the band members joke around with each other, exaggerate their sexuality, jump, smile, and wink at the girls.

They involve the audience by inviting some of the girls to come up on stage to dance and to participate in portraying their clear and sarcastic sexual innuendo. The band interacts with the girls on stage to create the appearance of the lascivious atmosphere of this caricature of glam rock, which is further enriched by their continuous references to the triad of “sex, drugs, and rock and roll”.

Steel Panther at Beacham, Orlando
We must be careful however, not to fall under the illusion that their on stage hilarity makes up all that they are. Steel Panther is amazing! They are infinitely ironic and easygoing, but their humor never suffocates their epic talent as musicians.

The comedy of their show never overshadows the powerful drumsticks of drummer Darren Leader (“Stix Zadinia”), the grit and trendy touch of bassist Travis Haley (“Lexxi Foxx”), the energy of front man Ralph Saenz (“Michael Starr”), who has an impressive stage presence and one of the best rock voices at the moment, even if he is often mocked about sex and age by their outstanding guitarist Russ Parrish (“Satchel”), who is endowed with extraordinary talent and very high technical quality.

The set list was pure dynamite and the performance was embellished by an acoustic set that included the piano played by Stix Zadina. During the show they performed tracks from their recent album, “All you can eat”, as well as their previous albums “Balls Out” and “Feel the Steel”. Taking part in a Steel Panther show is a great time however, please be forewarned, if you are easily offended, don’t have a sense of humor, or your ears are not predisposed to appreciate good music , I’m sure that this type of show is not for you. For everyone else, all I can say is…. GO… enjoy it all!

Steel Panther at Beacham, Orlando


Setlist Beacham (Orlando)

  • Pussywhipped
  • Party Like Tomorrow Is the End of the World
  • Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)
  • Tomorrow Night
  • The Shocker
  • 17 Girls in a Row
  • Gloryhole
  • If I Was the King
  • Guitar Solo
  • Ten Strikes You’re Out
  • Kanye
  • Why Can’t You Trust Me
  • Stripper Girl
  • Girl From Oklahoma
  • Asian Hooker
  • Eyes of a Panther
  • Death to All but Metal


  • Community Property
  • Party All Day (Fuck All Night)


Setlist Alcatraz, Milano


  • Runnin’ With the Devil (Van Halen song)
  • Pussywhipped
  • Party Like Tomorrow Is the End of the World
  • Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)
  • Tomorrow Night
  • The Shocker
  • Hair Solo
  • 17 Girls in a Row
  • Gloryhole
  • If I Was the King
  • Guitar Solo
  • Ten Strikes You’re Out


  • Kanye
  • Weenie Ride
  • (first verse and chorus)
  • Stripper Girl
  • (until after second chorus)
  • Why Can’t You Trust Me
  • (until after second chorus)
  • Girl From Oklahoma
  • (with The Lounge Kittens)
  • Asian Hooker
  • Eyes of a Panther
  • You Really Got Me
  • (The Kinks cover)
  • Death to All but Metal


  • Community Property
  • Party All Day (Fuck All Night)



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