Home Musica Musica ∼ Opinioni I Saigon Kick trasformano una piccola venue di Orlando in una Jam...

I Saigon Kick trasformano una piccola venue di Orlando in una Jam Session intima

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Saigon Kick The Social Orlando Florida

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di Vicki DiAddezio

(tradotto dall’originale in inglese)


Sabato scorso Orlando (Florida), è stata protagonista di un importante evento calcistico e di un concerto al The Social, un piccolo club nel cuore di Downtown. Nonostante ci fosse un altissimo interesse per la partita di calcio, una delle band che si definisce “la più sottovalutata del pianeta”, i Saigon Kick, è riuscita ad attirare nel locale una grande folla.

I Saigon Kick si sono formati nel 1990 nel sud della Florida, e il loro primo album omonimo è uscito nel 1991. La line up ha subito variazioni nel corso degli anni, ma il cantante originale Matt Kramer  e Jason Bieler, chitarra e voce, sono sempre rimasti membri stabili della band.

Alla batteria Jonathan Mover, che ha lavorato con artisti del calibro di Fuel, Aretha Franklin, Alice Cooper, The Tubes, Mick Jagger, Peter Frampton, Joe Satriani, e tanti altri. Ad aprire il concerto un gruppo rock locale, i Meka- nism, che hanno reso l’atmosfera tribal metal.

L’energia scaturita dalla performance della band è stata molto positiva ed eclettica, e  gli abiti tribali e il volto di Meka dipinto con la vernice hanno contribuito allo spettacolo. I Saigon Kick hanno poi dato vita a due ore di rock alternativo e sentimentale, portando sul palco anche il loro primo singolo, Coming Home. La band ha eseguito anche tre cover,  Dear Prudence (The Beatles), Wicked Game (Chris Isaak), e Space Oddity (David Bowie).

I Saigon Kick sono una miscela di generi, ed è questo il motivo per cui diverse tiplogie di persone possono godere della loro musica. Anche se il loro sound è difficile da definire, in alcuni casi la band sembra avere un suono  simile ai Led Zeppelin, soprattutto nei brani più lenti delle loro canzoni.

Naturalmente non poteva mancare il loro più grande successo, Love Is On The Way. La serata poi, ha visto protagonista il pubblico; chi aveva seguito la pagina Facebook della band infatti, aveva accettato l’invito a portare con sè un kazoo, è stato invitato dai Saigon Kick a salire sul palco, a suonare i kazoo e cantare con la band. Non sono mancate strette di mano e sorrisi con i fans. Sulla pagina facebook della band si può vedere anche una foto di gruppo che immortala quei momenti.

I Saigon Kick hanno dato vita ad un bello spettacolo e sarebbe davvero bello vederli suonare più spesso e avere un seguito sempre più grande.


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by Gillian DiAddezio


Saturday night in Orlando brought about an Orlando City major league soccer game in a giant stadium. It also brought about a rockin’ concert at The Social, a small, intimate venue in the heart of Downtown. Despite the competition for interest that the soccer game brought about, a band that calls themselves “the most underrated band on the planet” brought the house down with a great crowd.

Saigon Kick was formed in 1990 in South Florida, and their self-titled first album was released in 1991. Band members have varied throughout the years, but original lead singer Matt Kramer was on point, along with another original, Jason Bieler, on lead guitar and vocals.

Jonathan Mover, who has worked with the likes of bands and artists such as Fuel, Aretha Franklin, Alice Cooper, The Tubes, Mick Jagger, Peter Frampton, Joe Satriani, and many others appeared on drums. Opening for the band was a local rock group named Meka Nism, who brought a very earthy, tribal metal vibe to the room.

The energy coming from the band was very positive and eclectic, and Meka’s tribal attire and face paint added to her great stage presence. This band paved the perfect way for Saigon Kick to grace the stage later in the night. Saigon Kick played two hours of soulful, alternative rock, including their first ever single, Coming Home.

To switch things up a little bit, the band performed three cover songs: Dear Prudence (The Beatles), Wicked Game (Chris Isaak), and Space Oddity (David Bowie). Saigon Kick is a mixture of genres, which is why people from many different backgrounds can enjoy their music. Although their sound is hard to pinpoint, in some instances the band seems to have a Led Zeppelin-type sound to it, especially when they go into the slower, more drawn-out parts of their songs.

Of course their biggest hit, Love Is On The Way, was performed, but only after teasing the audience that they were going to play Sweet Home Alabama instead. The end of the night was very enjoyable for the fans, especially so if they got the band’s memo from their Facebook page to bring a kazoo (musical instrument that produces a buzzing sound) with them to the show.

Saigon Kick invited all those audience members onstage with them, and the fans were allowed to play their kazoos and sing along into the microphones with the band. The band members took the time to shake each person’s hand and thank him or her for coming out as they were leaving the stage, before continuing the show.

A group photo was also taken, which can be seen on the band’s Facebook page. Overall, Saigon Kick put on a great show, and it was an enjoyable evening. I would love to see the band rekindle some more and gather a bigger following as they perform more often.

For more information about the band, please visit Saigon Kick’s Facebook page. For more information about Orlando-based band Meka Nism, please visit www.meka-nism.com .



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