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I Pierce the Veil conquistano il palco del Van’s Warped Tour a Orlando

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peirce the veil

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di Vicki DiAddezio


Con un caldo torrido e migliaia di appassionati di musica a riempire Tinker Field, i Pierce the Veil, una band americana post-hardcore di San Diego, California, hanno dato vita allo show con esplosioni di fumo e coriandoli. Nonostante il caldo, hanno fatto una grande performance facendo entusiasmare i tanti fans presenti.  Nonostante noi fotografi fossimo tutti racchiusi in uno spazio molto piccolo, siamo riusciti ad ottenere alcuni scatti buoni.

Il 18 giugno 2015  è uscito “Divine Zero”, il primo singolo tratto dal loro prossimo album al momento senza titolo.
Facebook     https://www.facebook.com/PierceTheVeil

Twitter       @piercetheveil

Instagram    piercetheveil

YouTube     https://www.youtube.com/user/PierceTheVeilVEVO/videos



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By Vicki DiAddezio


With scorching heat and thousands of music lovers filling Tinker Field, Pierce the Veil, an American post-hardcore band from San Diego, CA kicked off their set with bursts of smoke and streams of confetti. Despite the heat, they rocked the stage for a huge crowd of enthusiastic fans.  Squeezing into the very hot and very cramped photo pit with probably thirty other photographers, I managed to get some pretty good shots during two of their songs. Check out my gallery of photos from the show at Van’s Warped Tour in Orlando

peirce the veil at warped tour orlando


On June 18, 2015, they released “The Divine Zero“, the first single from their untitled upcoming album.


You can also find them on social media


Facebook     https://www.facebook.com/PierceTheVeil

Twitter       @piercetheveil

Instagram    piercetheveil

YouTube     https://www.youtube.com/user/PierceTheVeilVEVO/videos


peirce the veil at warped tour orlando

 peirce the veil at warped tour orlando

peirce the veil at warped tour orlando




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