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I Motion City Soundtrack festeggiano il decimo anniversario del loro debut album ad Orlando

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di Gillian DiAddezio


Lo scorso 17 luglio il Beacham theater di Orlando, Florida, ha ospitato i Motion City Soundtrack, che nell’occasione celebravano il decimo anniversario del loro album Commit This To Memory. La band, originaria di Minneapolis (Minnesota), nel corso degli anni ha avuto contratti con diverse labels ma questo tour ha segnato anche il loro ritorno con la Epitaph Records, e la condivisione, come ai vecchi tempi, del palco con  i The Spill Canvas, band del Sud Dakota. Ad aprire ai Motion City Soundtrack sono stati i Sorority Noise, ma gli Spill Canvas sono stati di sicuro gli opener più attesi, anch’essi intenti a celebrare i 10 anni del loro album One Fell Swoop.

I Motion City Soundtrack , arrivato il loro turno, hanno iniziato con le note rock di “Attractive Today”, facendo letteralmente scatenare il pubblico presente. Una band dall’aspetto da nerd che invece sul palco assume le caratteristiche di una grande band di esperienza.

Tra i brani in scaletta “Resolution” e “The Future Freaks Me Out”  tratto dal loro debut album I Am The Movie.






motion city soundtrack


motion city soundtrack


motion city soundtrack




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by Gillian DiAddezio


On Friday, July 17, 2015, The Beacham theater in Orlando, FL received a packed house just one week after the previously reviewed Neon Trees concert. It was a tour in favor of celebration, as alternative rock group Motion City Soundtrack was commemorating the 10-year anniversary of their album Commit This To Memory. The band, which was originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1997, has been through multiple record labels throughout the years.

This tour was also a mark of their return to Epitaph Records, and another stage cohabitation with South Dakota band, The Spill Canvas. The two bands have shared stages for several years and tours, and it was as if they were all right at home on the stage in Orlando. Also opening for the band was Sorority Noise, who I was unfortunate enough to miss that night, but I am sure they were fantastic. The Spill Canvas was quite the popular opener for the crowd that night, as they had the whole audience singing along, especially with “Polygraph, Right Now”.

 motion city soundtrack

The band, which started off originally as a solo project, featured new member Bryce on drums, and is also ironically celebrating the 10-year anniversary of their album One Fell Swoop. To close out before they welcomed Motion City Soundtrack to the stage, The Spill Canvas played one of their newest songs (and one of lead singer Nick’s favorites), “Parallel”. Motion City Soundtrack came out to the stage already rocking hard with “Attractive Today”. The crowd was so amped up that many people were crowd surfing up to the front of the pit throughout the entire show, which is something that is not normally seen at The Beacham.

For a group of guys that could easily pass as your typical computer nerds rather than rockstars, they sure took to the stage like a true seasoned band, and kept the interest (and the volume!) at peak level. The guys rocked out so hard that a pamphlet was jumping around on the table sitting in front of me. Lead singer Justin Pierre has taken lyrical inspiration from his past struggles with drugs and alcohol, and he shows a sober apology with the song “Resolution”. Pierre mentioned several times throughout the show how much angst he had in high school, and how strange things were for him at times. He also brought up an embarrassing make-out story, which brought the audience a few laughs.

 motion city soundtrack

It seemed as though this 10th anniversary tour brought back a lot of memories for the band members, as they reflected on all the things that have happened to them in the past decade, both good and bad. After a short break, the band came back and played about nine more songs, and also took a group picture on stage with the crowd in the background to post on their social media sites. They were very complimentary to the other bands that performed before them, and they encouraged the audience to buy merchandise and “support the art you love”. Before making an encore, the band closed out the show with “The Future Freaks Me Out” from their debut album I Am The Movie.Whether the title of that song still rings true for them or not, Motion City Soundtrack can rest easy knowing they still have quite the bright future ahead of them. Motion City Soundtrack will be releasing a new album this September.

 motion city soundtrack

For more information on the band, please visit: http://motioncitysoundtrack.com.

For more information on The Spill Canvas, please visit: http://www.thespillcanvasband.com.

For more information on Sorority Noise, please visit: http://sororitynoise.bandcamp.com



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