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Esclusiva – Billy Idol: live report e photo gallery dello show in Florida

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di Gillian DiAddezio

Mercoledì 23 settembre è stata una serata memorabile nella storia della musica di Orlando (Florida). Sarebbe stato rischioso per chiunque esibirsi la stessa sera e a pochi chilometri di distanza da dove era in programma il concerto di Janet Jackson,  ma non per Billy Idol che non teme certo confronti.

L’Hard Rock Live alla Citywalk della Universal ha iniziato ad oscillare fin da subito con la band di apertura, i London Souls. Il solito spazio per stare in piedi quella sera era occupato da sedie  e per stare in piedi dovevamo ripiegare dietro le transenne poste ai lati e sul fondo del teatro. Tuttavia, noi di Zest siamo riusciti a trovare un punto ottimale per goderci lo spettacolo, a destra del palco, senza dover rispondere a spintoni e senza doversi accontentare di uno spazio vitale pari a quello di una sardina, come di solito accade ai concerti.

Non appena Billy è salito sul palco intonando  Postcards From The Past, il pubblico si è infiammato. La band di Idol era composta da Steve Stevens alla chitarra solista, Billy Morrison alla chitarra, Stephen Mcgrath al basso, Erik Eldinius alla batteria e Paul Trudeau alle tastiere.  La set list ha incluso Cradle of LoveCan’t Break Me DownDancing With MyselfFlesh For FantasySave Me NowReady Steady GoSweet Sixteen e Eyes Without A Face prima di un assolo di Steve Stevens durante il quale ha accennato Stairway To Heaven dei Led Zeppelin, facendo impazzire il pubblico.

Lo show è proseguito con Whiskey and PillsBlue Highway e Rebel Yell che sicuramente è stato uno de brani più attesi e acclamati di tutta la serata e sui quali la band ha lasciato il palco, per poi ritornare per un encore di tre canzoni.  Con una bambola gonfiabile seduta alla batteria, la band ha iniziato White Wedding con una breve intro acustica, seguita da un assolo alla batteria di Erik Eldenius e il finale con Mony Mony.

L’energia di Billy e della line up è stata inesauribile ed incredibile la generosità di questo mito vivente verso il suo pubblico. Durante lo show ha lanciato Frisbees, bacchette, set lists autografate e anche la sua camicia (del resto si sa, Billy ha da sempre la tendenza a togliersi più volte la camicia e di sicuro ai presenti non dispiace). Uno spettacolo incredibile all’insegna degli Anni ’80, con una grande performance vocale e musicale e una magnifica atmosfera. Se avrete la possibilità di assistere ad un concerto di Idol, di sicuro non ve ne pentirete.

Per vedere l’intero album fotografico della serata


Maggiori informazioni su Billy Idol e sui prossimi live https://billyidol.net

Billy Idol sui social media:

Facebook  www.facebook.com/BillyIdol

YouTube   www.youtube.com/user/BillyIdolOnline

Instagram  @billyidol

Twitter      www.twitter.com/billyidol


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by Gillian DiAddezio

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 was a legendary night in Orlando music history. Although it may have been a risky move for any other band to perform a show on the same night as Janet Jackson just a short distance away, for Billy Idol the competition was nonexistent. The Hard Rock Live at Universal’s Citywalk was certainly beginning to rock as opening band London Souls took the stage, and it only continued from there. The usual ‘standing-room only’ pit was comprised of chairs for this show, and general admission was limited to standing behind the railings at the sides and back of the theater. This did not make for a bad deal, however. I found myself the perfect viewing spot along the rail at house right, and enjoyed the show without much shoving and sardine packing that goes on at many concerts.

As soon as Billy took the stage with Postcards From The Past, the audience jumped to their feet. Band members included Steve Stevens on guitar, Billy Morrison on guitar, Stephen Mcgrath on bass, Erik Eldinius on drums, and Paul Trudeau on keyboards. The set list continued with Cradle of LoveCan’t Break Me DownDancing With MyselfFlesh For FantasySave Me NowReady Steady GoSweet Sixteen, and Eyes Without A Face before Steve Stevens took over with a guitar solo. During the guitar solo, Stevens broke out a bit of Led Zeppelin’s Stairway To Heaven, which brought a great reaction from the audience.

The concert continued with Whiskey and PillsBlue Highway, and Rebel Yell, which had the biggest audience participation and cheering of the night. The band left the stage at that point, but of course came back on a few minutes later for a triple-song encore. With a blow-up doll randomly sitting on the stage at the drum kit, the band took on White Wedding with a bit of an acoustic start to it. A drum solo by Erik Eldenius followed, and then Billy Idol ended the night with Mony Mony.

It was great to see the energy that Billy Idol and the band brought to the stage, and even better to see how generous Billy was to his fans. Throughout the show, he threw out Frisbees, drumsticks, signed set lists, and even his shirt to the audience. Billy had the tendency to take his shirt off multiple times during the show, but the fans certainly did not mind one bit.

It was definitely a wonderful night straight out of the 80’s with fantastic energy, great vocals, lively performances, and an overall triumphant feel in the air. If you have the chance to see Billy Idol in concert, you certainly will not regret it.

To see the full album of photos from the show visit www.facebook.com/VickiDPhotography

For more information on Billy Idol and future tour dates, please visit their website at: https://billyidol.net

You can also find Billy Idol on social media at…

Facebook  www.facebook.com/BillyIdol

YouTube   www.youtube.com/user/BillyIdolOnline

Instagram  @billyidol

Twitter      www.twitter.com/billyidol



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