Home Musica Musica ∼ Opinioni Billy Joel incanta il pubblico di Tampa in Florida

Billy Joel incanta il pubblico di Tampa in Florida

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BILLY JOEL zest.today

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di Vicki DiAddezio

Pochi minuti concessi per fotografare Billy Joel, soltanto il tempo di due canzoni a disposizione, ma sufficienti per immortalare l’atmosfera creatasi grazie ad un artista il cui show a Tampa (Florida), non poteva che essere indimenticabile e sold out.


Una serie di successi  a partire dal 1973, oltre 150 milioni di album venduti e fortunatamente nonostante il suo musical sia stabilmente in scena a New York al Madison Square Garden, spesso è possibile vedere Billy Joel esibirsi altrove, per la gioia dei fans sparsi in tutto il mondo.


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by Vicki diAddezio


Check out a few photos from the show. I was only able to cover the first two songs, but if they were any indication of how the night went then it was a fantastic show. Honestly though, this is Billy Joel! How could the show be anything but great! He has been thrilling his fans with hit after hit since 1973 and has sold more than 150 million records worldwide, making him one of the world’s best-selling artists of all time.


Although his musical residency has found a home in New York City at Madison Square Garden, he periodically takes his show out on the road which is good news for fans around the world. Last Friday brought Billy Joel to Tampa, FL to play for a sold out crowd.



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